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PLPN was at The M/s Gathering!

We had the privilege of attending this year’s M/s Gathering in Wilmington, DE.

As for many others in attendance, it was our first larger in-person event since the beginning of the pandemic.  Doing their part to keep everyone at the event safe, we were required to show our vaccination cards at registration, and to wear masks throughout the event space at all times.  By following the protocols, we were able to have a fun and safe weekend.

As per usual, the producers, staff and volunteers of MsG really pulled it off, again!  We had 3 1/2 days of great discussions, lead by Catherine Gross, Sir Edgar and slave raven, and Beast and echo.  We got to dive into deep discussions on topics like: The Cost of Covid (on M/s Relationships), Self-Sabotage, Finding Your Place in Leather, and Navigating Consensually Imbalanced Relationships.

And if you are not familiar with MsG, this is the one event that gives regular people in the community a chance to facilitate to group discussion on a topic of their choice, including the following people from our Philly community:  slave beth, Lady Ningal, slave passion and Master D, slave ela, and JoAnn Wadsworth.  They lead discussions on Event Planning, Grief Doesn’t Have an Expiration Date, Long-Term Relationships-Keeping Them Going, A Disabled Slave’s 12-step Spiritual Journey, and Women on the Left Side of the Slash.

It was a like a huge family reunion, connecting with people we hadn’t seen since the last M/s Gathering in April 2019.  The days were filled with deep and thoughtful discussion, and the evenings were filled with fun and games, like movie nights and Kinky Family Feud.  We were fed – mentally, spiritually, and physically (the food was pretty darn good).  And we left with our hearts filled and our spoons back where they belong.

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